Sunday, April 03, 2011

Making chappatti and eating bugs in Moshi

Hannah, Malinga and Jack have become quite the Tanzanians. They have a little routine every morning with Daisy, their tutor. At about 10:30 they walk around the corner to the chapatti stand and buy freshly made chapatti and fried cassava. The chapatti`s from the stand are kind of like oily pita bread but they taste delicious. Over time, Hannah and her friend Magalie (whose mom and dad are staying with us this month) asked the chapatti lady how to make them. They then went to the duka (store) on the corner and bought corn flour. Sam, Magalie`s dad helped them make chapatti on a rainy Saturday morning. Hannah made one that looked like a happy face and then carried it around to the lady at the chapatti stand for a taste test. She told them it was `’nzuri sana, or very good! Her friend at the stand also tasted it and said...chumvi..which means salt..meaning it needs more salt...she was always a little bit grumpy at the best of times.
On that same rainy Saturday we had a big downpour and Malinga immediately noticed that the ‘termites’ were out. These termites are actually like larva with wings and according to many Tanzanians, they are quite the delicacy. Malinga told the other kids that he had eaten these bugs in his previously life in, of course everyone wanted a chance to taste them. The kids proceeded to collect a bunch of the bugs and then they friend them in butter and salt (in my perfectly good frying pan!)....Jack was the first to try them. He said they taste like French fries....Malinga ate a few and Hannah chickened did mom and dad.....I have tolerated a lot of ‘firsts, in Tanzania, but eating a big white larva –like bug was not going to be one of them!


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